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Category Archive: 1927
Selection in the year 1927 published contributions
In the Valtellina, not far from the Bernina, on the Swiss-Italian border, lies the small Swiss village of Carajone. It consists of 16 houses and has about 100 inhabitants. >> read more
33 houses, partly single, partly double and terraced houses, also a real "tenement" is included. The builders are a number of more or less famous modern architects, Poelzig, the two Taut, Behrens and others ... >> read more
Many have a finely pointed, striking, igniting aforism behind their foreheads. On the way to the tongue becomes a cumbersome and boring essay out of it. He writes it down - and there is a thick tome, flat, shallow, from front to back only watery broth. >> read more
The Werkbundsiedlung on the Weissenhof near Stuttgart is the horror of all those who reject something, because it is different than they are used to. Houses without a roof! Walls without wallpaper! Furniture without ornaments! No, the brave citizen does not eat that. >> read more
Bowling has always been a national German affair. But while it used to be recklessly treated simply as a pleasure for the Saturday night or Sunday afternoon, today it is "physical exercise," publicly recognized "sport," and thank goodness is well organized. >> read more
Mr. v. Hindenburg celebrates its 80 today. Birthday. Since he is something like a German national saint since Tannenberg, it will not go off without a little Hindenburg grumble. Even left-sided leaves and persons will probably not be able to escape him. >> read more
This morning 1 / 2 5 PM, Polish volunteers east of Schlochau have crossed the German-Polish border. The Reich Cabinet met immediately under the chairmanship of Reichswehr Minister Gessler for a meeting and declared war for all of Germany. >> read more
When a few months ago the last volumes of the work "The Great Politics of the European Cabinets 1871-1914" appeared, the fighters against the "guilt lie" have proclaimed great salvation to the German people. There it would be, the innocence of Germany! (They always talk about Germany, if they mean Wilhelm.) >> read more
On the 9. In April 1927, the two Italian workers Sacco and Vanzetti were sentenced to death for the second time in Boston. This case of Sacco-Vanzetti is an example of political jurisprudence and unfair handling of justice, as was the case of Dreyfus in France, Fechenbach and Hölz in Germany. >> read more