A worker among the readers of the Sonntags-Zeitung wrote to me a long time ago a letter that concludes with the words: Do you believe in socialism? If so, when are we ready for socialism? >> read more

As an opposition paper, the Sonntags-Zeitung was founded and has been run so far, and it also intends to persist in it. In short, it opposes the prevailing trend in the entire public life of the Fatherland, in the press, politics, economics and so-called "culture", which is usually understood by slogans such as nationalism, capitalism, clericalism and the like. >> read more

"We have been hopelessly and shamelessly lied to and cheated on by our newspapers." That was the verdict of very calm and very considerate men into the most conservative circles when they had the opportunity to look at the damage to their good faith - 1918 in the fall. >> read more

To my shame I must confess that during the war I had long believed in the official legend of its outbreak: Germany had been attacked by its enemies. Because I just could not imagine that such a "circled" country provoked Handel with his Umliegern. >> read more

Perhaps the best thing about the miserable "peace treaty" of Versailles is that he robbed us of our colonies. It spares us many expenses: The government has one less item that allows it to lavish the people's money. >> read more

The new era also wants the old god of war Mars collar. And not wrong. For as long as he wore spears and shields, he was a noble, knightly fighter. But since he has a gas mask on and digs himself into the ground, he has dug himself his grave. >> read more

Because, just look at them, there they stand, bareheaded, in the stiff, uncomfortable Sunday dress, their hat in their hands, and shuddering with emotion, because they see Hindenburgs strolling in front of his soldiers. And the little heart knocks on them: our glorious weir! the god who made iron grow! >> read more

Hail in the wreath, Harry Domela, Prince of Hohenzollern! It is true that the police caught you and the examining magistrate took care of you; but your glory overshadows your downfall, and your name is recorded, may you be a windy fellow. >> read more