He had a close relationship with the editor-in-chief of the left-wing “Sunday newspaper” Erich Schairer (who became editor-in-chief of the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” after the war). In various newspapers and magazines he took a stand against the German war guilt, which was denied in the rest of the press. Gumbel didn't mince his words under the pseudonym Emel. >> read more

Interactive directory of authors whose contributions can be found on this website. It's not just about it >> read more

Will Schaber, Heilbronner by birth, was editorial volunteer at Erich Schairer's "Sonntags-Zeitung". Later he became editor at the Heilbronn "Neckar-Echo", >> read more

Fiedler studied from 1913 in Leipzig theology and was first parish vicar in Planitz in Saxony. He became 1918 >> read more