- Yg. 1923, No. 35 -
It is a pity with the sinking bourgeoisie. Many ladies can no longer afford a maid, have to lend a hand everywhere. The whole life is absorbed in the struggle for the preservation of life; all higher interests are behind the worries about trifles. It is awful! Life has no meaning in the long run, you wear it down, use up the best forces, become dull and dull and without energy.
So it sounds in many variations from the bourgeois papers. You get to feel now and then, what is distress. And already you are lamenting. Already one cries out sensitively. Now, as one feels in one's own body what it takes to live for years in misery, one points to the hell that is hidden in a scanty life. Unfortunately, it still does not seem as if one draws conclusions from this in terms of our economic order or rather disorder. You think first of all!
For decades the proletariat has been living in conditions in which bourgeois circles are now threatening to “sink”. His striving to get out of this unworthy life has been terribly resented and the term class struggle has been chosen for it. Now one has fallen into this class struggle, which should mean struggle for a dignified existence. And it is led much more one-sidedly than the proletariat. For in its struggle the proletariat has presented a picture of a just social order; But the suffering bourgeoisie today has only one thought of bringing back the old man's life. There one fights for the abolition of privileges, here for their preservation.
That is why the setting petty bourgeoisie does not enjoy sympathy because it is entirely thoughtless. And that's what it's all about. If one stood at the beginning of this now so cursed republic on the side of the working people, raised the proletariat by socializing the economy, one did not threaten today to sink together. It was not wanted. Because the misery was in the distant future despite the revolution. Now one is happy to perish on oneself.
But the decline will bring this people together in its various parts as little as the once questionable ascent. Today they clash hard in their material and moral misery, and there is truly no good sound. She could save only a little empathy with the situation of the other; but they have not yet learned that, for, as they are lamenting to us, they themselves are already exposed to misery. It may also be concluded that it is not generally overwhelming.
1923, 35 · Frida Leubold