- Yg. 1925, No. 4 -
In the great butcheries of Chicago many thousands of oxen and pigs are slaughtered every day. The farm is so well organized that one can almost say that at one end the live animals are driven in and at the other the finished sausages, ham and boots come out. The oxen are rounded up in a large kraal and from there through a long double fence into the slaughterhouse.
It turned out that the animals, when they sensed the blood of their slaughtered brothers, were very difficult to move forward. It had to be hired numerous highly paid drovers. The Americans therefore trained an old lead ox to lead the flock to the slaughterhouse. For him, a cozy barn opened beside the slaughterhouse door, in which he found soft litter and good food. The American vernacular baptized this ox "Judas".
One evening, when Judas was already driven into the Kral, a disruption in the slaughterhouse arose. The slaughter had to be interrupted. The night sank over Chicago, and Judas strolled from group to group of his comrades. Most were dozing, as oxen used to doze; only one group debated vividly.
A young, moderately fed ox said, "We should use violence against slaughter. If we run together against the fence, then we will win the freedom. The land here belongs to us anyway and not to humans. Our forefathers grazed here as free buffaloes and nourished themselves on the tasty grass of the steppe. "
"Very nice," replied another, "but that would not do us any good, for here in the area there is no longer any grass growing; we would starve to death or be crushed by traffic machines; Besides, the art food we get is much better than the boring grass. "
"Still better than the Schlachtbeil," a third man cut him off. And then a fourth: "Certainly, it does not make fun to be slaughtered; but that does not help anything, they have always slaughtered oxen, they will continue to slaughter oxen, so there's no use in resisting it. "
"Very correct," came in fifth, "besides, the thing is brilliantly organized. The machines are technically perfected, hardly cause any more pain, and after all, it is a great honor for a simple ox to be the main piece on the table of a true human and animal lover. "
When Judas had listened to this conversation a little, he became thoughtful. If the first orator were to carry his plans of violence among the other oxen, it might be that he, the brave chief ox, was driven unfit to the slaughterhouse himself, and then good-bye, a beautiful warm stable and tasty food.
So he beckoned the last two speakers to him and suggested that they set up an ox-bulletin office and a daily newspaper; The slaughterhouse directorate would be sure to provide funding.
As the sun rose blood red over Lake Michigan, the disruption was resolved inside; and when the overseer shouted to Judas and rattled the food kebab, Judas tripped quickly and bellowed as oxen used to roar when good food beckons to them.
But the other oxen went after them, even the one who actually wanted to break out violently. After all, he did not want to be considered a renegade by the others. That was the worst reproach one could make for an ox then.
1925, 4 Paul von Schoenaich