4 January 1925 11 January 1925 18 January 1925 25 January 1925 1. February 1925 8. February 1925 15. February 1925 22. February 1925 March 1, 1925 March 8, 1925 March 15, 1925 March 22, 1925 March 29, 1925 5 April 1925 12 April 1925 19 April 1925 26 April 1925 3 Maj 1925 10 Maj 1925 17 Maj 1925 24 Maj 1925 31 Maj 1925 June 7, 1925 June 14, 1925 June 21, 1925 June 28, 1925 July 5, 1925 July 12, 1925 July 19, 1925 July 26, 1925 August 2, 1925 August 9, 1925 August 16, 1925 August 23, 1925 August 30, 1925 September 6, 1925 September 13, 1925 September 20, 1925 September 27, 1925 4 October 1925 11 October 1925 18 October 1925 25 October 1925 1 November 1925 8 November 1925 15 November 1925 22 November 1925 29 November 1925 6 December 1925 13 December 1925 20 December 1925 December 27, 1925
Small chronicle to put the editorials in the historical context
January 1: The Norwegian Capital Christiania gets its former name again Oslo.
February 17: The Kurdish Sheikh Said Rebellion starts in Turkey.
February 27: In Munich Burgerbräukeller will the NSDAP newly founded and throughout Germany organized. Adolf Hitler has his first appearance after his detention.
February 27: The Turkish army begins with air strikes and a large ground offensive Kurdish Sheikh Said Rebellion to fight.
March 6: The Belgian cantons are under the High Commissioner after a five-year transition period Herman Baltia finally a part Belgium, The German loss of territory was in Treaty of Versailles established.
March 29: At the first presidential elections In the Weimar Republic, no candidate receives an absolute majority - the majority receives the vote DVP-Politician Karl Jarres.
April 4: As bodyguard for Adolf Hitler the SS founded. It develops in the time of Nazism to a paramilitary Organization.
April 7: Hitler's request dismissal from Austrian citizenship, which is granted on April 30, 1925.
April 10: The city of Tsaritsyn on the Volga is in Stalingrad renamed.
April 25: The monarchist Paul von Hindenburg is against centercandidates William Marx Reich President elected, u. a. also with the votes of the center parties DVP and Bvp (Reich president election 1925).
May 30: National Revolution in China.
16. June: census in Germany: 62,5 million inhabitants without that Saar.
June 17: That Geneva protocol to outlaw chemical and biological weapons comes into force.
June 18: That Supreme court lifts the only one decided Prince expropriation in the Weimar Republic on. The corresponding state law in Free State of Saxony-Gotha on confiscation of property from the Princely House of Saxony-Coburg and Gotha six not constitutional.
July 18: Adolf Hitler publishes his book Mein Kampf.
July / August: The French and Belgian troops clear it Ruhrgebiet, Duisburg and Düsseldorf.
August 26: His successor Paul von Hindenburg elevates that from Reich President Friedrich Ebert 1921 decreed in public uniform to carry on.
September 18: As the first major party in Europe, the SPD in her decided Heidelberg program the demand for the realization of the United States of Europe.
September 23: In the Soviet Union all 19 to 40 year old working people are legally obliged to work for five years Conscription to perform.
17th-19th October: 1st German Reich Warrior Day in Leipzig.
November 4: Hitler's first speech in Braunschweig, Hitler's speeches are prohibited in Bavaria, Hamburg and Prussia.
November 20: The Munich stab process ends in the court decision with the knowledge that the defendant Paul Nicholas Cossmann in spreading the Stab-in-the-Back Myth had succumbed to an error.
November 30th: The occupying powers begin the 'Cologne Zone' in occupied Rhineland to vacate.
December 1: Signing of the Contracts from Locarno as the conclusion of the negotiations from October 5 to 16. Signed by Imperial Chancellor HansLuther, Germany, Belgium and France do not violently revise their borders.
December 5: The signing of the Locarno treaties resolves a crisis in the German government ("Locarno crisis") out. The DNVP leaves the coalition, the Bürgerblock, Thanks to the opposition parties SPD and DDP, the treaties can still be ratified in the Reichstag.[1] The Cabinet Luther I exists until January 20, 1926.
15th December: Reza Pahlavi submit to the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) the oath of office as Shah of Persia .
17th December: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi becomes Crown Prince.
December 26: The Turkish National Assembly decides to introduce the Gregorian calendar with effect from January 1, 1926.