Take the available amount of social-democratic longing for government and mix it up profusely with the power of German people's party and great industrial power (with a dose of cunning clever use as a binder), pour a few drops of democratic oil over it, and leave it overnight. >> read more

The film industry uses the election campaign to exempt film from the amusement tax: it shows several hundred thousand voters every day in the cinemas: "Before you vote, ask the party: Are films tax-free?" >> read more

If I go with a burning pipe over the hayloft of my own scouring, some embers fall out, the scouring burns off, - what do you think, what happens to me, although perhaps not even someone else has come to harm except myself?

If, as an employee of Meier, I give fifty marks to a poor traveler who takes me out of the fund entrusted to me-the amount the boss takes out every night to make him jubilant-do you think they will let me do that? >> read more

The referendum initiated by the Communist Party, which wanted to ban the construction of warships, has failed. Only about two million votes have been cast, half the number that would have been necessary to bring the proposed law before the Reichstag and a possible later referendum. >> read more

Money of course. And for what? To explain this can not be done without a small historical digression. Napoleon I took away his sovereignty from a number of German princes. For this, in the year 1815, she compensated the King of Prussia by lending them a kind of half-sovereignty, the "sovereignty of the nobility". >> read more

... red writing on a white background: "Do not believe the dizziness!" This poster would have four weeks before the election Sunday to stick to every placard, every fence and every barn door in Germany and be renewed weekly on Saturday night from Saturday to Sunday. >> read more

Fritz Lang, the director of the "Metropolis" film and other equally monumental and kitschy celluloid strips, discovers a young actress, Miss Dyers. He is contractually committed to six years and ensures her a year-to-year rising salary ... >> read more

Today, three things are needed to wage war: poison gas, dynamite for the explosive projectiles, and oil for the operation of ship and aircraft engines. In Germany, these three means of warfare are produced in the factories and laboratories of Chemietrustes, I.-G. Paint industry A.-G. >> read more